Sunday, January 15, 2012

WATER HEATER REPLACEMENT - COVINGTON KENTUCKY - DUNBARPLUMBING.COM - Here is a video which turned into a surprise after we installed and fired up the gas water heater. We knew when taking out the old one that there was deterioration on top the heater. Water was leaking out of the flue connection to the outside which is actually a cast-iron pipe that is not code in today's standard. That piping, if it was properly drawing flue gases to the chimney above would be somewhere in the nature of 300-500 degrees. Hot enough where you can touch that piping and get burned. Not a safe situation if someone is not aware that it is hot. Dunbar Plumbing - 859-359-4833 Visit our Website at http We advised the customer instantly that there was an issue with the water heater not drawing properly and made sure that the unit was shut down before we left. With that piping that runs outside, we believe the piping is probably clogged full of brick and mortar where the piping turns into the wall with a 90 in and a 90 up inside the chimney. Accessing that pipe would involve cutting the piping and reinstalling another section but the point remains that the piping arrangement is incorrect and dangerous. From the condition of the old water heater it is evident that something has gone wrong with the venting aspect of this unit. When we attempted to operate the new water heater for the first time, we sealed the openings around the holes around the flue pipe entering the cast iron and used an old rag to force the flue piping to warm ...

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