Saturday, November 19, 2011

Home Inspection - Electrical - Part 3 of 3 This is video #3 of a 3-part series. The videos are Part 1 = Part 2 = Part 3 = To watch the Electrical Systems Playlist = Air conditioning Air-conditioning is a very common home feature. Generally, there are two sizes of air-conditioners, rooms air-conditioners used to cool just one room, and central air-conditioners used to cool the entire house. The Air-Conditioning unit should provide a twenty-degree change in air temperature when functioning properly. During the colder months of the year it is difficult to measure if the air-conditioning is working properly because even if the unit produces cold air when it is cold outside this does not ensure that the unit can perform the same when it is hot outside. Insure that the cable connecting the unit to the power supply is in good condition and properly connected. Note that central air units are connected to their own circuit box and supply cutoff switch. The Air-Conditioner should be inspected annually to make sure that the overall condition of the air-conditioner looks good and that there is not any debris, mold, or fungi growth on the coils of the unit that may prevent air flow or contaminate the house. Heating Units The heater is another important area to inspect and be aware of. Its electrical connection should be evaluated closely and inspected to make sure it is in good condition. There should not be any rust on the unit and the overall condition of the ...

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